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The plank

Omslag till The plank

(aka: Walk The Plank)

Deltagare: 2-5 spelare

Arrangerat av

Uptime Games


GrafiskformMagnus Karlsson (Boardgame designer)


Bli den sista piraten kvar på plankan! Ett snabbt tärningsspel som passar för 2-5 spelare och tar 10-30 minuter att spela. Luta dig över plankan och gör ditt bästa för att överleva!

The plank is a quick dice rolling game, where you fight with other pirates to avoid falling of the plank into the ocean.

The game plays 2-5 pirates in about 15-20 minutes.

It was played many times last Lincon, but there has been some further improvements making it even better!

And yes, the image is a another Midjourney attempt. Funny part is that I used the phrased "as a boardgame cover..." and I really think it has captured the color palette usually seen on modern board games.

Push your luck or stay safe? It is your choice, but you must be the last pirate on the plank! A quick dice-rolling game for everyone.

20 min

Be the last pirate standing on the plank! A quick dice game for 2-5 players, taking 10-30 minutes to play. Lean over the plank and do your best to survive!

Spelat på

LinCon (2022)
Malmö Protospiel 2022 (2022)
LinCon (2023)
NorrCon 3 (2023)
Malmö Protospiel 2023 (2023)
NärCon Vinter 2024 (2024)

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