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Dawn of Ulos - expansion

Omslag till Dawn of Ulos - expansion

Deltagare: 1-5 spelare


GrafiskformJason Lentz


En expansion till spelet Dawn of Ulos, ett fantasytema investeringsspel där spelarna antar rollen som gudar för att manipulera dödliga fraktioner för egen vinning. Expansionen lägger till unika spelarkrafter, 10 nya fraktioner, en större spelplan, nya utvecklingsbrickor och möjliggör för en sjätte spelare.

Dawn of Ulos is a successfully Kickstarted game that is coming to door steps and store shelves in the summer of 2023. In the game, players take on the role of gods wagering on which fantasy factions will end up being the dominant factions of Ulos, while helping shape their development and investing in the factions themselves. The god who gains the most favor by the end of the game is declared the winner.

The expansion includes 9 new factions that players can invest in and use to alter the map, influence conflicts, and increase their favor. Knowledge of the base game is not required.

An expansion to the game "Dawn of Ulos," a fantasy-themed investment game where players take on the role of gods to manipulate mortal factions for their own profit. The expansion adds unique player powers, 10 new factions, a larger board, new development tiles, and allows for a sixth player.

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