Whirling Witchcraft
(AKA: Whirling Academy)
Erik Andersson Sundén | |
🎨 | Niklas Høøk |
Whirling Witchcraft rules [English] | (1.4 MB) |
The life of a witch can be stressful! You must try to curse your nemesis by flooding them with magical ingredients. In addition, you need to handle all ingredients thrown at you!
All players are witches and the witch sitting to your right is your nemesis. Each turn, you will add a recipe to your recipe collection. Each recipe describes a way to transform ingredients into new and more magical ingredients. Your objective is simple; be the first witch to clear your workbench of magical ingredients, or flood the workbench of your nemesis by more magical ingredients than they can handle!
Whirling Witchcraft is a game for 2-5 players that plays in about 10-20 minutes. All phases of the game are played simultaneously by all players. During the game, you will generate ingredients and passing these to your nemesis. The ingredients you receive from your neighbour will feed your recipes and allow you to produce even more ingredients. At the same time, if you have too many ingredients you lose the game
It sounds straightforward, but you’ll need a lot of focus and even more cunning in order to juggle those ingredients in your favour!
About the designer:
Erik Andersson Sundén is a father of three and a nuclear physicist who lives in Uppsala, Sweden. He loves to play board games with family and friends. He is an omnivore board gamer that enjoys both dry and thematically driven games, after having played RPGs for more than 20 years.
Erik has never visited Fastaval before and is excited to meet all the gamers and to show his game(s) to a new audience.
Alle spillere er hekse, og heksen til højre for dig er din nemesis. Hver runde føjer du en opskrift til din samling. Hver opskrift angiver en måde at omdanne ingredienser til nye og mere magiske ingredienser. Dit mål er simpelt: vær den første heks der rydder sit arbejdsbord for magiske ingredienser eller få din nemesis’ arbejdsbord til at flyde over med flere magiske ingredienser end det er muligt at håndtere.
Whirling Witchcraft er et spil for 2-5 spillere og tager ca. 10-20 minutter. Alle spillets faser udføres simultant af alle spillerne. Undervejs frembringer du ingredienser og sender dem videre til din nemesis. De ingredienser du modtager fra din sidemand bruger du i dine opskrifter som gør at du kan fremstille endnu flere ingredienser. Men hvis du har for mange ingredienser, taber du. Det lyder meget simpelt, men du får brug for fokus og snilde for at ingredienserne jongleres til din fordel.
Played at
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♻ | Viking-Con 40 (2021) |
♲ | RubiCon 2022 (2022) |
♲ | Ringsted Brætspilsfestival 2024 (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Winner, Bedste Brætspil
Whirling Witchcraft nomineres for solidt spildesign, der resulterer i et spil der er både nemt og intuitivt at gå til. Spillets måde at sende ressourcer samt opskrifter videre til modspillerne, gør det både udfordrende og sjovt at sørge for at den rigtige heks taber og man derved selv vinder. Det er en fornøjelse at spille igen og igen.
The witches are cackling and staring evily at the witch to their right side. In Whirling Witchcraft the players are witches trying to send as many and as difficult materials on to their right neighbour.
Every round the players adds new recipes to their collection to transform their own ingredients before sending them on to the next players untill someone runs out of storage space and loses the game.
Whirling Witchcraft is nominated for a solid game-design, which results in a game that is both easy and intuitive to play. The way you send both resources and recipes to your opponents, makes it both challenging and fun when trying to make sure the right witch loses and you thereby win yourself. It is a pleasure to play again and again.
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