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Søren Brandborg


Designer Playful Gods Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
💾 Designer Riding Shotgun Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
💾 Designer Stellar Scramble Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Designer Perils of the Deep Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Designer Abandon Capricorn Aarhus Brætspilsfestival 2025 (2025)


Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)

Riding Shotgun: Winner, Bedste Brætspil
Diligencen er fyldt til bristepunktet med guld. Banditterne jager den, mens vagterne desperat forsøger at stoppe dem. Det er Western efter alle kunstens regler, med en overflod af tematiske elementer, der alle er tæt integreret med den overordnede fortælling. Hvert af de to hold er nødt til at koordinere deres planer, men modstanderne kan høre alt, hvilket skaber masser af muligheder for taktiske modsvar. Alt dette er kombineret med en central bluff-mekanik. Men tør du kalde det, når banditten angriber dig, hvis konsekvensen er mere ødelæggende end selve angrebet?

The stagecoach is filled to the brim with gold. The bandits give chase, and the guards frantically try to stop them. This is a fully realized western fantasy, with an abundance of thematic elements, all tightly integrated with the overarching concept and story. Each of the two teams must coordinate their plans, but the other team hears everything, and this creates numerous opportunities for counterplay. Building onto this, a central bluff-mechanic makes you question the bandit's attack against you. But are you ready to call it? When the consequences of doing so, might be more disastrous than the attack.

Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)

Stellar Scramble: Winner, Bedste Formidlede Brætspil
Stellar Scramble er helt igennem velproduceret, og graden af af kælen for detaljer gør spillet øjeblikkeligt indbydende. Reglerne er velformidlede, og illustrationer samt eksempler gør spillet nemt at gå til. Disse suppleret med spilleroversigter og symboler på spillebrættet gør handlinger nemme og overskuelige. Hvilket alt sammen skaber en gnidningsfri spiloplevelse uden behov for at slå op i reglerne undervejs.

Stellar Scramble is thoroughly well-produced, and the amount of attention to detail makes the game immediately inviting. The rules are well communicated, and the illustrations and examples make the game very accessible. These, assisted by player guides and symbols on the board, give a good overview and understanding of the actions. All things combined makes for a smooth player experience with no need to look up rules during the game.
Stellar Scramble: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Jordens overlevelse afhænger af en gruppe kompetitive piloters kamp om at sprænge flest af de invaderende rumskibe i luften. Arkadenostalgien sidder lige i skabet, som rækkerne af rumskibe i bedste “space invaders” maner flytter sig tættere på jorden. Piloterne skal håndtere en pose af krystaller, aldrig helt sikre på, hvilket våben de ender med at affyre eller om skibet potentielt overopheder i processen. Der skal prioriteres mellem at skyde, og at tage de gode opgraderinger, før andre spillere gør. Der er kælet for alle detaljer, og overskuelige komponenter med veludførte oversigter gør spillet nemt at gå til.

The fate of the Earth depends on the skills of a group of pilots competing to blast the biggest number of invading space ships out of the sky. The arcade nostalgia is spot on as the rows of space ships move closer to Earth in perfect “Space Invaders” style. The pilots must handle a bag of crystals never knowing exactly which weapon they end up firing, or if their ship potentially overheats in the process. Additionally they need to prioritize between shooting and taking the good upgrades before the other players do. Every detail is well considered, and easily interpreted components with well-executed overviews makes the game easily accessible.

Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Perils of the Deep: Winner, Bedste brætspil
Perils of the Deep fully embraces its core theme to deliver a well-presented deck building experience in a game involving pirates, perils and push your luck. With a deck building mechanic that allows for several strategies to win, you can choose to either; sail as fast as possible to gather treasures and brave peril; board your opponents or even employ magic from the Caribbean. And these things all add to the nomination of best board game for Perils of the Deep.
Perils of the Deep: Nominated, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Perils of the Deep presents itself in an easily accessible and strongly engaging way.
With a high attention to detail around the game components you easily find yourself submerged in the role as a captain of a pirate ship embarking on new adventures and treasure hunts.
The overall quality of the game almost makes you wonder whether the game is actually store-bought, and the rules are well structured with simple, recognisable icons and examples making for a fully enjoyable player experience.
When your salty crew has struggled its way through the last expedition, you’ll find yourself having a hard time resisting the siren song of another round.

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