One Flesh, One End
System: LARP
Deltagere: 6-17 spillere
✏️ | Jake Cyriax |
✏️ | Joanna Piancastelli |
Jake Cyriax | |
Joanna Piancastelli |
The Emperor Undying has called upon the scions of the great houses to undertake a series of deadly trials to discover who among you are worthy of becoming lyctors, immortal necromancers of immense power who will join Him in the fight to drive back the Empire’s greatest threats in the dark reaches of space.
Half of you are the necromancers who have been summoned and the other half are their cavaliers, sword fighters of tremendous renown sworn to serve their necromancers til the end. The trials will test your skill in your respective arts, yes, but more than that: they will test the bonds between you. And frankly, some of your bonds are a mess.
One Flesh, One End is about revelling in the gothic excess of being space necromancers and dashing duellists while teasing through torrid and often dysfunctional character dynamics. Relationships are at the heart of the story – often queer, optionally romantic, always intense.
The larp is based on Tamsyn Muir’s Locked Tomb books, which you absolutely don’t have to have read to play: the plot is different and you’ll create your own characters. Be aware, though – the larp spoils some of the revelations of Gideon the Ninth.
Content Warnings: The larp uses themes of death and necromancy, and contains text descriptions of mild gore and human remains. Character death is possible and may not be in the players’ control, but the larp is specifically designed to give meaningful play to ghosts.
There is significant play on relationships which may be unhealthy or end poorly, and while romantic and physical intimacy are all entirely opt-in, the larp is designed to engender emotional intimacy.
Some reading is required during the larp (large text versions of printed materials can be made available if you let us know beforehand).
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The Smoke (2022) |
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