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Winter Tradition

System: LARP


2021, Jerstrup Herregård, Bogense, Danmark

✏️Kathrine Abel
✏️Maria Østerby Elleby
✏️Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
✏️Mads Havshøj
✏️Elias Helfer
✏️Ole Sørensen
ArrangørMads Havshøj
ArrangørOle Sørensen
👍Jeppe Bergmann Hamming
👍Maria Bergmann Hamming
👍Kalle Hunnerup Jacobsen
👍Troels Thylstrup

2025, Jerstrup Herregård, Bogense, Danmark

ArrangørBjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen (Hovedarrangør)
ArrangørMads Havshøj (Hovedarrangør)
ArrangørOle Sørensen (Hovedarrangør)
👍Kalle Hunnerup Jacobsen (Crew)
👍Troels Thylstrup (Crew)


Winter Tradition is an up-stairs-down-stairs larp about four noble families and their closest servants, that meet each year at a large hunting cabin in central Norfolk, England.
Here we have the older generation, meeting their old friends and plotting for finding the best matches for their kids and younger cousins. But maybe the young have other plans? At least they have the plan of not being as boring as their parents.
The servants will as always be busy and know everything, because that is their job. A job that is also their life, with all that comes with that: love, rivaling, fights, advancements and so on. This trip is maybe the break in life they need to find what they want in life.
The whole thing is set during the traditional winter hunt. The hunt will be played as offgame acts that have influence on the rest of the game.
We’ll do introductions and workshops on Thursday, game on Friday and Saturday, ending the game Saturday evening. Sunday we clean up and leave for home.

Afviklinger 🗺️

25. - 28. november 2021🗺️Jerstrup Herregård, Bogense, Danmark
27. februar - 2. marts 2025🗺️Jerstrup Herregård, Bogense, Danmark


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